Levi.com 2015 Redesign

In 2015, Levi’s® commissioned AKQA to revamp a few pages on levi.com. The brief focused predominantly on the Product Detail Page, where they asked for some solutions to help the overall UI, as it was small and cluttered—with a ton of sizing and color choices. Additionally, Levi’s® wanted a ‘Fit Guide’ added to the page, to help inexperienced jean shoppers realize that there is a wide variety of jean fits, cuts, and styles.

For the PDP UI, we solved Levi’s® concerns by containing everything within the extended background of the main image. We utilized CSS animations and created smart, minimal drop-down menus for sizing and quantity—and larger, collapsing/expanding thumbnails for the many color options. For the Fit Guide, we added a ‘Fit Comparison’ and introduced an image that visualized where the jean sits and how it fits throughout the leg.

After great feedback, we got asked to tweak and modernize the Sub Category- and Grid pages.